Hire Cronkite students
Learn how to recruit our students for jobs and internships.
Our students are the future of media
Thank you for your interest in employing a student from the Cronkite School! Please see our guidelines below.
Internship criteria for hosting Cronkite students
Employers interested in participating and offering internships through our Internship Interview Day should contact Cronkite Career Services at cronkitecareers@asu.edu
The Internship Interview Days are limited and reserved for employers that are well-established in the market and meet the school’s requirements for a prospective employer. To learn more about our school’s internship standards, excluded practices, and compensation policy, check out Cronkite Internships.
Promoting your internship opportunity
If you do not participate in our Internship Interview Day, we invite you to share your opportunities for students by contacting the Cronkite Career Services at cronkitecareers@asu.edu. If we post your listing, the employer/company/organization agrees to require that the student receive course credit for the internship. Only approved positions will be posted.
Internship requirements
All internships obtained through the school’s Internship Interview Days or posted on the school’s Internship and Job Opportunities site must be done for academic credit and should be arranged through the school. Only internships that offer students a professional-level news/journalism/communications/media experience and that do not discriminate based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion will be considered for academic credit. An experience supervised by a person with professional credentials/experience in that area will be recognized. To learn more about our school’s internship standards, excluded practices, and compensation policy, check out Cronkite Internships.
All internships should be paid. Please see the Compensation Policy.