
Student Life

A student smiles amongst his peers at a Sun Devil event.

Career Services

Learn about the Cronkite Career Services offerings, explore internship opportunities and more.

An adviser and student look at a computer screen together.


Learn how to schedule your advising appointments, access forms and view campus resources.

Students tabling for the NABJ at an organizations event.

Student clubs and organizations

Explore the many clubs and organizations that students can join.

People exchanging cards over a table with scattered cards.

Diversity and inclusion

Learn about our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Downtown Skyline

Downtown Phoenix campus

Get to know the Downtown Phoenix campus.

LA Bureau

Los Angeles campus

Learn about the Los Angeles campus.

Four Cronkite students in ASU shirts stand on a balcony with Downtown Phoenix in the background.

The Cronkite Writing Center

The Cronkite Writing Center helps students become confident and compelling writers.