Common student request and petition forms
Credit overload petition
ASU caps the number of credits a student may take in a fall or spring semester at 18, with a maximum of 9 credits per session. In summer, the maximum is 7 credits per session, with a total semester cap of 14 credits. Students requesting more credits may complete and submit this form to their assigned Cronkite advisor for consideration, or to cronkiteadvising@asu.edu. NOTE: overload requests are not approved for students in their first semester at ASU.
Enrollment change request (late adds / late drops)
ASU determines the dates each semester during which students may add or drop classes (see ASU’s Academic Calendar). Students wishing to drop or add classes after the listed deadline may confer with their Cronkite advisor, and then complete and submit this form to request an exception (although one is not guaranteed). Completed forms should be submitted to the student’s assigned Cronkite adviser or to cronkiteadvising@asu.edu.
Third attempt requests
ASU restricts students to two completions of any class. Receiving a letter grade of D or E following a class is considered an attempt; W grades are not considered attempts. If a student is unsuccessful in passing a class after two attempts, they may petition for a third attempt. Students making that request should complete and submit the University Standards Committee petition form. In the “Nature of Request” box please choose “Enroll in a course for a third time,” and list the name of the course and the semester/session in which the course will be retaken. In the “Specific Request and Justification” box please explain why you expect the outcome of this attempt to be different from previous attempts. Please sign and date the form and submit it to your assigned Cronkite School adviser or to cronkiteadvising@asu.edu.
Undergraduate standards committee petition
This form is for specific issues that cannot be approved at the College/School level. Please talk to your assigned Cronkite Adviser before submitting this form.
Accelerated Master’s Program declaration of intent
Students interested in completing the Accelerated Master’s Program should speak with their assigned academic adviser for more information and then complete the Declaration of Intent form. This form does not bind the student to competing the program, but rather gives Cronkite School the information needed to track students as they pursue the program.
Students who previously completed the Declaration of Intent form but have since decided not to complete the program should submit an Accelerated Master’s Program Withdrawal request.
Students who previously completed the formal application for the Master’s program (and paid the application fee) but have since decided not to complete the program also should complete the formal Withdrawal from Graduate Programs request.
Voluntary Complete Withdrawal from a Graduate Degree Program
Graduate elective approval requests
Graduate students in the MS-Digital Audience Strategy program must seek approval to add non-MCO courses to their plan of study (iPOS). To request approval of an elective, complete this form.
Scholarship certification of completion (final semester credit reduction request)
Students receiving ASU-based scholarship support who will be taking fewer than the normally required number of credits in their final semester should complete and submit the ASU Scholarship Certification of Completion form to their assigned Cronkite Advisor or to cronkiteadvising@asu.edu. NOTE: This request is for University awards; it does not apply to the Cronkite School’s private scholarships.
Barrett, The Honors College thesis form (for MCO 493)
Cronkite honors students who have completed MCO302 and their prospectus are ready to register for their Honors Thesis (MCO 493) and must complete this form to obtain the override permission to enroll.
Independent study application for Cronkite students
Students wishing to propose an Independent Study for Cronkite School credit should complete this form: Undergraduate form or Graduate form. If you’ve identified a professor you wish to supervise this project, you may approach them directly, and after obtaining their signature you may submit the form to your adviser. If you are not sure which professor would be right for your project, you may submit the form directly to your adviser without a professor signature.
Final approval for all independent study proposals will be made by the Dean’s office. Independent Study typically involves areas of study/research/projects that are not otherwise available through Cronkite School classes. Students should expect a workload comparable or greater than that of an Advanced Skills class. Prior experience may not be counted as fulfilling an Independent Study.
Medical/compassionate withdrawal requests
Students with physical health, mental health, family or personal issues that significantly are or were impacting their coursework may petition for a Medical or Compassionate Withdrawal.
Satisfactory academic progress reviews
Students who are asked to complete a Satisfactory Academic Progress Review can find more information here. The form is linked at the bottom of that page. NOTE: Advisors no longer sign these forms. If your issue is Not Meeting Maximum Hours, please follow the instructions to email your adviser – other issues do not require adviser input.
Veterans’ forms
All forms concerning veterans’ benefits are available on this page.