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Technology support

Tech trouble can strike at any time—and we’re ready to help when it does! The Cronkite School IT (CSIT) team supports hardware, software and A/V technology specific to Cronkite employees and within the Cronkite Building; centralized teams support broader ASU technologies, such as Canvas and Workday. Here’s how to find the help you need.

Get support

For immediate classroom support before or during class time: Call the CSIT Help Desk at 602-496-6891.

For other timely deskside or A/V support requests: Submit a Cronkite School support ticket

For Canvas support: Submit an LMS Support ticket or call 855-278-5080. 

For all other technology support requests: Contact the ASU Experience Center, open 24/7, 365 days a year. Submit a support ticket, or call 855-278-5080 or 480-965-6500.

Purchase requests

Hardware and software purchases require several analyses and approvals—and it all begins with your supervisor! If you’re considering a technology purchase for your teaching or research, connect with your supervisor, who will align the necessary Cronkite and ASU resources. 

Don’t forget to explore the ASU Digital Backpack (a collection of software accessible by any ASU employee) and explore research tools available via the ASU Library. Employees also have access to various programs appropriate to their specific roles; discuss availability with your supervisor.