Cronkite Global Week: Working across borders to improve narrative journalism in the Americas

Date and Time:

Thursday, March 31, 2022, 3 - 5 p.m.


First Amendment Forum
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
555 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85004
Attend via Zoom.

Cronkite Global

Symbiosis: Tradecraft Periodístico

Last year, the Cronkite School and the Mexican magazine Gatopardo launched Symbiosis, a space for collaboration, professional development, and on-the-ground reporting directed at emerging journalists in the Americas. Together, Gatopardo’s editorial and creative team and Cronkite faculty have developed an annual program made up of public conversations, specialized workshops and on-site residencies. By helping emerging journalists develop the skills they need to tell our region’s most urgent stories, the program seeks to deepen understanding of shared challenges related to the environment, racial equity, human rights, democracy, and social justice.

On March 31, Symbiosis will screen two of its signature conversations:

  • How to center communities in coverage of the climate crisis: A conversation between the Atlantic‘s Vann R. Newkirk II and Cronkite’s Julia Wallace
  • How language and identity shape coverage, and our realities: A conversation between Gatopardo‘s Fernanda Caso and Yásnaya E. Gil, a linguist, activist, and translator from Ayutla Mixe, Oaxaca.

Between the screenings, Joaquín León, Gatopardo’s creative director, will chat with Mia Armstrong, senior coordinator of ASU’s Convergence Lab, about the Symbiosis program and the urgent, cross-border work left to do to strengthen narrative journalism in our region.

Learn more about Symbiosis here. Watch all Symbiosis conversations here.

Global Conversations

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